R M N de Christian MUNGIU
A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, Rudi, left for too long in the care of his mother, Ana, and to rid him of the unresolved fears that have gripped him. He’s also eager to see his ex-lover Csilla and preoccupied about his old father, Otto. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory that Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustrations, conflicts and passions erupt through the thin sliver of apparent understanding and calm.
Marin Grigore
Judith State
Macrina Bârlădeanu
Orsolya Moldovan
András Hatházi
Rácz Endre
József Bíró
Ovidiu Crișan
Zoltán Deák
Cerasela Iosifescu
Andrei Finti
Miklos Bacs
Alin Panc
Victor Benderra
Amitha Jayasinghe
Gihan Edirisinghe
Nuwan Karunarathna
Kovacs Levente Jr.
Némedi-Varga Csilla
Orban Attila
Boros-Piroska Klara
Lucian Ifrim
Mark Edward Blenyesi
Fekete Beata
Szucs Tamas
Nagy Csilla
Szabo Andras-Botond
Axel Moustache
Rares Hontzu
Stefan Statnic
Carla Todoran
Maria Dragus
Ecaterina Ladin
Gheorghe Ifrim
Pascal Caucheteux
Cristian Mungiu
Cristian Mungiu
Cristian Mungiu
Jean Labadie
Delphine Tomson
Grégoire Sorlat
Anca Perja
Sean Wheelan
Marius Leftarache
Tudor Reu
Mircea Olteanu
Tudor Vladimir Panduru
Simona Paduretu
Simona Paduretu
Christian Lindholm
Olivier Dô Hùu
Ioan Filip
Anthony Muir
Ciresica Cuciuc
Marian Bălan
Kristina Börjeson
Marius Mititelu
Adrian Selaru
Aurel Toma
Ana Mihalache
R M N de Christian MUNGIU
CAST: Marin Grigore, Judith State, Macrina Barladeanu, Orsolya Moldován, Andrei Finți, Mark Edward Blenyesi, Ovidiu Crișan
Quelques jours avant Noël, Matthias est de retour dans son village natal, multiethnique, de Transylvanie, après avoir quitté son emploi en Allemagne. Il s’inquiète pour son fils, Rudi, qui grandit sans lui, pour son père, Otto, resté seul et il souhaite revoir Csilla, son expetite amie. Il tente de s’impliquer davantage dans l’éducation du garçon qui est resté trop longtemps à la charge de sa mère, Ana, et veut l’aider à surpasser ses angoisses irrationnelles. Quand l’usine que Csilla dirige décide de recruter des employés étrangers, la paix de la petite communauté est troublée, les angoisses gagnent aussi les adultes. Les frustrations, les conflits et les passions refont surface, brisant le semblant de paix dans la communauté.